Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow Day!

Well, we did get some snow! We're very, very thankful that last night it started out as sleet and then turned to snow - without much or any freezing rain in our area! Huzzah! I'd say we got around 6ish inches here (pretty big for here), but it's hard to tell with such high winds and drifting. All the news stations are telling people to stay home if they can, so it worked out really well that Lee happened to have today and tomorrow off from work! We'll see if things are cleared up enough by Thursday for him to be able to go in.

We bundled up this afternoon and went out to play in the snow for a while. Couldn't stay out too long, cause the wind was really whipping! I would have stayed out longer if I had a face mask, cause I stayed warm otherwise with my trusty snow clothes and boots. Twas fun for the few minutes we stayed out, though! We had a good excuse to make some homemade hot cocoa when we came back in and enjoy a good movie in our cozy house. All in all, it's been a lovely snow day. :)

The view out our front window this morning.

Opening the front door for the first time today

Standing in a little drift. :)

No digging with Daniel for a while!

Lee is in there somewhere...

Our cozy house :)

Yeah... I <3 him. :)