Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Forcing words...

Sometimes the words just don't come easily. Sometimes the delete button gets more use than all the others combined. Sometimes you stare blankly at the screen, wishing that the words would start flowing through fingers.

Sometimes... you have to force them.

Ignore the hundreds of clichés that start to circle through the brain and focus on what's really going on...

"Life is a journey" they say... "enjoy the ride."  "It's not about the destination, it's about the journey."

Is it? Is life really all about the journey, or do they just say that in order to ignore the destination?

What is my perspective?

Cause sometimes there are bumps in the road. Sometimes there's heartache. Sometimes really, really sad stuff happens on this journey and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.

Don't get me wrong, I think life is beautiful. I'm not depressed. The ups and the downs, the changes and the growing... it all works together to weave a fabulous, interesting, beautiful life.

But sometimes friends and loved ones face challenges so heartbreaking and daunting that you have no idea how they will get through. Sometimes you have to watch helplessly as friends make bad choices. Sometimes you have to say goodbye when you'd rather not. Sometimes the future seems so uncertain that you really don't know what to think. Sometimes your world gets all shook up and sideways and mixed up and you'd just like to throw a little tantrum because you don't get it. Those are the times when the whole "just enjoy the ride" thing falls so very short and shows its true, shallow colors.

The only way we can really make this journey good is to know that life is not all about the journey - it's all about the destination. Changes, struggles, temptations, trials, tears... no matter how big they seem at the time... they're actually pretty small when you look at the big picture. Yes, we can feel things deeply and cry and live our journey with a passion... But life is not beautiful because it's a journey... it's beautiful because of God. It's beautiful because we can know that we have something and Someone to live for. In the end, the journey is only as good as the destination. And when you have the right Destination, everything and anything you might face on the way is worth it all and so much more.

Perspective = My favorite attitude adjustment.


  1. Oh Julia, thanks for this. This is exactly what I needed to read. *hug* I love you.

  2. Thanks for the post! It does put things into perspective knowing that we have a destination which will be eternal and more wonderful than anything on earth.

  3. I say exactly what Lydia said. I love you!

  4. thank you for this beautiful reminder julia.
    i needed this encouragement....
    love ya~

  5. I love you too Jewels. Thank you for this beautiful post. Your picture is stunning.
