Tuesday, December 22, 2009

IIII'm dreaming of a whiiiiiiite Christmaaaas

What with all the talk lately of winter and white Christmases and all in the States, I've been a tiny bit homesick for snow lately! The weather has been beautiful here lately... Sunny and 75+ most days, and enough rain off and on to keep things green and growing. But there is something about winter that I've always loved, and I kinda miss it!

Driving between walls of snow, watching the snowplow come through and clear the roads, trudging through drifts in warm boots...

Observing with fascination the patterns made by frost on the windows...

And all the fun that can come from icicles... too bad I don't have the pictures of Luke's "nose-cicles" handy. Hehe...

I know some people absolutely despise winter, but I think there are wonderful things about each season... even if pretty much the only seasons you get are the rainy and non-rainy seasons, instead of Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter.

May your daaaays be merry and briiiiiiight... and may alllll yoooour Christmases be whiiiiiiite. :)

1 comment:

  1. I miss white Christmases too. Doesn't look like one here either. Oh well. It will probably snow while I'm gone. :)

    Hearing Bing sing could almost make up for that. One of a kind talent.
