Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A Merry Heart

Quick post as I hit the sack tonight... just a few thoughts. :)

Recently, Dad put up a nice, big marker-board in our kitchen... and we have all enjoyed being able to use it for various things. Notes to each other, shopping lists, doodles, etc. Very convenient and kinda fun, too!

One of my favorite things about having this board, though, isn't just having a handy place to write a reminder that we need to get some more brown sugar...

Linz took it upon herself to promote cheerful attitudes by writing some encouraging scriptures on the board for all of us to have little reminders as we go through the kitchen every day.

My sweet sister. Though 5 years my junior, I have learned a lot from her. She is such an encouragement to me. She's had malaria since Sunday, and has been miserable, but the medicine seems to be working, and she's starting to feel some better. She's had such a good attitude through it all, and is becoming a little annoying with her feeling bad for not being able to help around the house like she wants to! :)

Linz, thanks for being my "good medicine." I love you!


  1. I'm so sad that sweet Linz has been sick.
    Give her a hug for us and tell her that we are praying for her~
    Chasity and the girlies

  2. Aw Jewels!!! *wipes tear* I love you.
