Monday, February 13, 2012

It's just a good time to say...

I love this man.

He really is the sweetest.

He's more than I deserve and everything I need in a husband.

And I thank God every day for blessing me with the privilege of being Lee's wife.

For those of you who aren't married yet... know it can be hard... but whatever you do, don't settle. Be patient, no matter how hard it gets. God will provide. Remember that He "is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think." 

And if you leave it up to Him, it will all be worth the wait.

Thank you, Lee, for being SO worth the wait.



  1. julia, have you been in my head?! ;) it has been kind of difficult these past few weeks... i really needed to hear the last sentences of this post...

    it was great being able to see you again and meeting lee at freed. i hope y'all have an amazing v-day tomorrow. :D


  2. Aw, *sniff* I miss you both! :) And I love you too!

  3. Well, well...I about fell over on the couch when I saw a new blog post! ;) I'm so glad that you and Lee have one another. God "is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think" Eph. 3:20. Love you sweet Jewels.

  4. I'm so thankful you have each other and also for the example you set. :) It makes me day when I think about you two! I love you. Always.
